Course Outline

Getting started

  • Setup CNTK on your machine
    • Enabling 1bit SGD
    • Developing and Testing
    • CNTK Production Test Configurations
    • How to contribute to CNTK
  • Tutorial
  • Tutorial II
  • CNTK usage overview
  • Examples
  • Presentations
  • Multiple GPUs¹ and machines

Configuring CNTK

  • Config file overview
  • Simple Network Builder
  • BrainScript Network Builder
  • SGD block
  • Reader block
  • Train, Test, Eval
  • Top-level configurations

Describing Networks

  • Basic concepts
  • Expressions
  • Defining functions
  • Full Function Reference

Data readers

  • Text Format Reader
    • CNTK Text Format Reader
    • UCI Fast Reader (deprecated)
  • HTKMLF Reader
  • LM sequence reader
  • LU sequence reader
  • Image reader

Evaluating CNTK Models

  • Overview
  • C++ Evaluation Interface
  • C# Evaluation Interface
  • Evaluating Hidden Layers
  • C# Image Transforms for Evaluation

Advanced topics

  • Command line parsing rules
  • Top-level commands
  • Plot command
  • ConvertDBN command

¹ The topic related to the use of CNTK with a GPU is not available as a part of a remote course. This module can be delivered during classroom-based courses, but only by prior agreement, and only if both the trainer and all participants have laptops with supported NVIDIA GPUs (not provided by NobleProg). NobleProg cannot guarantee the availability of trainers with the required hardware.


Basic programming skills

 28 Hours

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